Vol. 3 No. 5 (2024)

B/S-Based Social Management System for Auto Clubs: Boosting Efficiency and Security

Published 2024-08-30

How to Cite

Anderson, M., Thompson, J., & Zhang, Z. (2024). B/S-Based Social Management System for Auto Clubs: Boosting Efficiency and Security. Journal of Computer Technology and Software, 3(5). Retrieved from https://ashpress.org/index.php/jcts/article/view/76


In today's rapidly advancing information age, computers play a crucial role in data management, significantly enhancing both efficiency and security, especially in complex information systems. Information technology has become integral to global communication, facilitating data exchange and interaction. The social management of auto clubs is an essential aspect of modern society, providing both support and comfort to these organizations. This paper examines the current state of service management in China's auto clubs and the evolving needs of their members. The system discussed, developed using IDE with MySQL, Tomcat, Jumpmvc, and Spring3, offers a dedicated front-end for users and a specialized back-end for staff. By leveraging this system, auto clubs can improve operational efficiency, enhance information security, and offer a more user-friendly experience.